Featured Video

빌런 (Villain) – Stella Jang




3rd of May


170cm / 5’6


Wind Deity


Indonesian, English, Japanese





Kaze Render


Whisperer of Zephyrs

A legend from a long  time ago recalls that four gods, each in charge of a cardinal direction, ruled over the winds while they were dancing. But when humans started to worship certain gods, this balance shifted, it gave birth to a variety of deities, each following a different path.

Chapter 2 - Kaze's Mastery

Kaze was the most powerful of these celestial beings and was called “Kaze Crown.” Even with his unmatched skill, Kaze knew that the Wind was arbitrary. Its unpredictable nature required a great deal of energy to fully control.

Chapter 4 - Beyond Control, Within Respect

Kaze understood that the Wind was more than just a tool. It had power that was even greater than his. Although he respected his own force, he admitted that he was not in complete control. Kaze was committed to discovering the Wind’s mysteries and expanding his knowledge of it.

Chapter 2 - Kaze's Mastery

Kaze was the most powerful of these celestial beings and was called “Kaze Crown.” Even with his unmatched skill, Kaze knew that the Wind was arbitrary. Its unpredictable nature required a great deal of energy to fully control.

Chapter 3 - Embodiment of the Wind

Some thought Kaze embodied the spirit of the Wind itself; others had perceptions of him that went beyond mortal comprehension. It was said that Kaze would use it in its most arbitrary forms, assisting sailors who begged for his favour. They could predict the Wind’s future courses and use its power to their advantage with Kaze’s help.

Chapter 4 - Beyond Control, Within Respect

Kaze understood that the Wind was more than just a tool. It had power that was even greater than his. Although he respected his own force, he admitted that he was not in complete control. Kaze was committed to discovering the Wind’s mysteries and expanding his knowledge of it.

Chapter 5 - From Deity to Sage

Years passed, and Kaze changed from a formidable god to a much-respected mentor on the celestial tapestry. Once restricted to the elemental realms, his wisdom was now available to mortals. Kaze imparted his deep wisdom, helping others to understand the complexities of the natural world and its vastness beyond.

Chapter 3 - Embodiment of the Wind

Some thought Kaze embodied the spirit of the Wind itself; others had perceptions of him that went beyond mortal comprehension. It was said that Kaze would use it in its most arbitrary forms, assisting sailors who begged for his favour. They could predict the Wind’s future courses and use its power to their advantage with Kaze’s help.

Chapter 5 - From Deity to Sage

Years passed, and Kaze changed from a formidable god to a much-respected mentor on the celestial tapestry. Once restricted to the elemental realms, his wisdom was now available to mortals. Kaze imparted his deep wisdom, helping others to understand the complexities of the natural world and its vastness beyond.



Model Design

Gromb Yan

Model Rigging

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